Sunday, November 25, 2012


I like Thanksgiving. I get to see my family, eat some good food, and knit. But this year? I knew this year was going to be interesting. 

I was away for a couple months campaigning in Missouri (do it. Get involved. It’s great), and while I was there I got a boyfriend (love you) and you know, campaigned. Lots of stories. Apparently I was going to be the center of attention at Thanksgiving (which I LOVED!! I have a love/hate relationship with attention). 

I also had to roast the turkey. 

Everyone is always like, I’m old and I had to roast a turkey for the first time for a dozen people! Not this girl. I’m 21 years old and apparently roasting a turkey for my family. No. Big. Deal.


It started Thursday morning with an argument over when to start the turkey. Which became a “I’m trying to agree with you!” fight. So I ran up to my grandmother’s so I could start the turkey at 9:30 am (20lb turkey. 3 1/2-4 1/2 hours. Trying to eat before 2). I get there and I put my brother on slicing, so I can be the only one with turkey hands.

If you don’t know my cooking style it’s this: Whatever tastes good with least clean-up.

My epic turkey recipe:
Stick of butter
1/2 a red apple
1/2 a green apple
1/2 an onion
bunch o’ celery

Preheat oven to 350. Not too important because if it’s not preheated when I’m done prepping, I’m sticking the turkey in anyways.  Prep the pan by putting celery down (why use a rack when celery will do the job?)

Take all the gross parts out of the bird. Re-fill bird with apples, and onion. Try to smear butter on it. When it doesn’t work, chunk the butter and leave on top.

Put turkey in oven. Let it brown first. After approx. 2 hours, put tin foil on top to stop browning. Don’t touch the bird otherwise. Let rest while you freak out that it was done an hour early. 

Eat delicious turkey. I swear, so many compliments.  

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