Monday, December 31, 2012


2012 was a good year. 

I learned a lot. 

I would like to thank all of my campaign friends for that. 

Let’s hope 2013 will be a good one! 

No wonder

No wonder talk shows have so many gimmick-y segments. I’m running out of things to say!! 



Sunday, December 30, 2012


I really want to join a CSA. I live in a city, and I’m literally 15 minutes away from like 4 farms. Of course, none of them have programs. 

Why can’t farms be just off the highway? So convenient.



Right now our farmers market is on the SIDEWALK (sorry for the uppercase today) of Main Street. The FREAKING sidewalk. And it’s busy, but there’s really no good parking, and it’s awkward.

Because it’s on the sidewalk. 

Nashua is unfortunately fun of unused storefronts. Use one of them. Or at a school on a weekend. Or the closed down courthouse. Instead we have to be all like, GREAT AMERICAN DOWNTOWN! and have it on the sidewalk. 

It makes me miss Troy. They know how to support local business right! 

Gotta find my fresh veggies somewhere. 

We believe in ordinary acts of bravery, in the courage that drives one person to stand up for another.

Veronica Roth, Divergent


Saturday, December 29, 2012

Gummy Snacks

I love gummy bears. I love gummy bears so much.

I’m also always looking for yummy, healthy snacks (ie, granola, gummies, popsicles).

Thank goodness for Pinterest. I’m making some gummies now.

Here’s the basics:

Gummy Recipes:

1 cup liquid
5 tbsp gelatin
Honey to taste 

1. Heat liquid and add honey.

2. Mix

3. Take off heat and add gelatin slowly. MAKE SURE THERE ARE NO CLUMPS. BLEND IF NEEDED!!

4. I use a silicone pan, so I don’t grease it or anything. Let it set for like 1/2 an hour.

My tips:

I blend frozen fruit with a little lemon juice and water to make my liquid. I’m assuming oj, lemonade, or whatever juice would also work. I like to keep the seeds and pulp in. To keep the illusion that it’s healthy. 

Also, it’s fruit, gelatin (tons of protein), and honey. If the unhealthiest part is honey, I think I’m doing well. 

I have no urge to ever be a parent and yet I find my favorite blogs are about parenting… awkward. 


My drawing of the day. 

Friday, December 28, 2012


I promised myself I wouldn’t talk too much about politics in my blog, but this event is just ridiculous. And it’s too long for a comment on Patch.

So here starts the story/rant:

For those of you that don’t know, NH has a very large legislature. As a state (which I love and adore), we have one of the most direct democracies in the world. It’s something like one representative for ever 3,000 people.

I love it. I love how my state is set up so I can be very involved in my government. I mean, you want to be a page in the state house for a day? Find your rep. I have 3 for my ward alone. I’m pretty sure I know where they live. I mean, it’s frustrating working on a campaign, because 1 in every 3,000 people in IN the government. Actually more, because I have a relatively open city government and there’s State Senate and the Executive Council. 

The NH House of Representatives is made up of 400 people. They get paid $100 a year and get re-elected every other year. I don’t believe they have term limits, but running an election every other year is exhausting. Fun Fact: It costs $2 to run.  

Now that you know this, I can get to the real story. 

Stacie Laughton is a trangender female from my city. She ran to be a State Rep in another ward, and won. How that happened, I have no idea. My better-candidate friend ran in another ward, and lost by 100 votes. I’d be so mad if I were him. But I don’t think he’s ever been angry. Except the time I broke the shredder. 

Back to the story. Laughton wins, and then the press finds out that she has a criminal history. Apparently back when she was a man, she stole credit card information and faked needing an ambulance? (Who thinks of that?). She has a suspended sentence and just has to pay back the fine. 

Apparently, it’s illegal to be a criminal and still serving a sentence in NH and run for state rep. As most of the people in the House are old people and lawyers, I’m sure this has never come up. Now it’s a question of if she’s still serving her sentence. 

Either way, she resigns. For whatever reason she gives. Everyone applauds and I’m kinda annoyed that we have to spend more money. 

I love my state, but we don’t pay taxes. Which is nice, but I feel like I suffered in education. Like UNH was not a fantastic deal compared to other in-state schools in other states. I digress… again.

So now, we have to pay for a special PRIMARY and a special election. I don’t remember how much it would cost (and I can’t find the source.), but my point is that it’s money would could be spending towards schools, roads, or business micro-loans. Instead it’s being spent towards an election that shouldn’t have needed to happen. 

So not only does she cause this special election, she has the AUDACITY to file to run AGAIN! It’s not bad enough that you, specifically are costing the state money, but you have to run again? My government and tax dollars (not that I pay any to the state because I don’t own property, judge me as you will) are not for you to prove people wrong or change your mind. Make up your mind and stick to it. 

I hope the stick you with the bill if you win. In which case, I will stay FAR away from your ward. 

Go here if you’d like to read this “breaking news



Could be the pincers… tsk tsk tsk.

Mom: Oh look it! Wine jello shots!
Me: No.
Mom: But the marshmallows were so good...


After my brief stint as a self-appointed jello-shot connoisseur, I feel like I am qualified to put vodka in anything. And I have. 

Vanilla Vodka Marshmallows. 

You’re welcome. 

The original recipe is here

My version:

Vodka Marshmallows

makes one 9 x 13 pan of marshmallows, cut however you desire

3 1/2 envelopes unflavored gelatin 

1 cup alcohol

2 cups granulated sugar

1/2 cup light corn syrup

1/4 teaspoon salt

2 large whipped egg whites or reconstituted powdered egg whites, until stiff peaks

1 tablespoon vanilla extract

Some chocolate, Kosher salt, or something to garnish with

1. Spray-spray a 9 x 13 baking pan (I used glass) and coat with powdered sugar

2. In a KitchenAid, pour a 1/2 cup of the vodka and the 3 1/2 packs of gelatin. Let sit.

3. In a medium pot (bigger than you think) combine sugar, remaining alcohol, syrup and salt. Heat over low heat and whisk until sugar is dissolved, about 3-5 minutes. Turn heat up to medium and heat until it’s 240 degrees F.

4. Turn off heat and gently pour it in the mixer over the gelatin with the mixer on low speed. Once all of the sugar has been added, turn the mixer to high and beat for for 6-8 minutes.

5. Add your beaten egg whites if you remember. You can start whipping them while your mixer is on high. 

6. Also add vanilla.

7. Pour into the sugar-ed pan.  Be careful, it’s sticky


9. Ignore for 3-5 hours

10. Take the marshmallow sheet out of the pan and cut into squares. I like my huge chef’s knife for this. 

11. Cover in powdered sugar, dip in chocolate, or whatever 

Store air-tight or they’ll harden quick!