Thursday, January 31, 2013

It's today. Isn't it?






A hug is like a boomerang - you get it back right away.

Bil Keane

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.


Some more of my opinions

Have you read this?

You should. You should also read this, because it is more thought out. 

I’m not even sure what to say about the Right To Life article. Just read it. The author, Kurt Wuelper, insinuates that all non-right to lifers hate babies. 

My favorite line from the author is actually from the comments. “With 55,000,000 babies killed in the US alone, half of those [27,500.000] were of the female variety, e.g. women.”

What can we learn from this? Don’t try to control my body and then alienate all of those “of the female variety”

For the record, I don’t think we should be killing babies left and right, I just don’t want the government to be telling me what I can do with my body. 



Monday, January 28, 2013

More Ugh Tumblr

Topping off my posts on Tumblr is way harder now. 

I’ll be busy for the next couple of hours. 

Internship Day

Today is internship day. 

I love my internship. It’ll be my 3rd day, but I’m having a lot of fun. I go in 1 day a week and so far, every day has a fun event. Tonight is a fancy dinner. 

Now if only I got paid…



Sunday, January 27, 2013

Roland: Everyone lives with an element of risk in their lives, but we don’t have to live with ignorance and fear. And we don’t have to punish an 11 year old boy because we’re too narrow minded to know better.

Roland, Army Wives



New tumblr sucks. And I forgot to be all happy because of my 100th post. 

On that note, 100 posts, biotches!!

Thursday, January 24, 2013




Divergent by Veronica Roth, page 143

Just planning out the rest of my life

I am probably one of the only people in the world that looks at school lunch ideas and thinks, I can’t wait to have a kid. Oh wait! I’ll pack a lunch for my boyfriend before then. This poor kid. He probably hates me secretly.

He is really excited about gummies though. Thank goodness. I can put them in his kunchbox! Have I mentioned my sympathy for him?

Now my new obsession is freezer dinners. Our fridge will be filled with alcohol (sorry honey) and our freezer(s) will be full of food. And don’t forget my couponing stockpile!

Things I would love to freeze:
BBQ beef
Teriyaki beef
Shredded Chicken

At least he’ll never starve. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Coupons at Market Basket

Today I went to Market basket for the first time to coupon. It was kinda weird, because I know my local Shaw’s like the back of my hand, because I’ve been shopping there since it opened!

However, Market Basket was generally enjoyable. It was crazy busy, but it was ok. I didn’t buy too much, but I think I did well.

4 Saute Expresses- $.99 - $1/1= .01 OVERAGE each
10 Chef Boyardees- $.80 each- $1/5= .60 each
3 Trident Gums- $.99 each- $1/3= .66 each

Total= $7.93 

Considering at my local shaw’s would’ve thought $1 for each of the Chef Boyardees was a good deal, I think I did well. I have no idea what possessed me to buy Gum for 66 cents, but at least it wasn’t full price. I’m also not sure they usually give overage, but they took off the full $1. Cool beans. 

I also wanted to get the Hershey Simple Pleasures, but they weren’t in stock :( I’ll try another Market Basket tomorrow! 




Really Tumblr?

Tuesday, January 22, 2013



So you're getting married

I love my friends. I’m a little sad that I’m going to be the last of my friends to get married, but that’s only because I want a really traditional, semi-judgmental wedding. 

What I’m trying to say is that I’m judging you. You and your 10-bridesmaid/4 groomsmen wedding. You and your destination wedding. You and your registry information on the invitation. 

No regrets. 

I can’t wait until I get married and there’s nothing at the wedding I want because my mom and sister went batshit crazy.  Judge me then.

I’m sure I’ll get married at a country club and whatevs.

Still no regrets 

Don’t wreck a sublime chocolate experience by feeling guilty.
Chocolate isn’t like premarital sex. It will not make you pregnant.
And it always feels good.

 Lora Brody

Monday, January 21, 2013

Sunday, January 20, 2013

What she lacks in poetry she makes up for in venom

Sarra Manning



This week I’m going to get a couple good deals. I’m excited

My store is offering a free 5lb bag of grapefruits when you buy 2 Grapefruit juices (2 for $4). And there’s a coupon. $2 off 1 100% grapefruit juices. 

Free Grapefruit juice and FRUIT!!! I wonder if I can put vodka in that. 

Or Champagne. I love Champagne

Also getting 50 cent tuna, and some frozen fruit. Good stuff. 

Saturday, January 19, 2013

When you say “YOLO”, it makes me want you to live less than once.

Whitney Cummings (via imgonnafacemydemons)

Valentine's Day

I have worked really hard to make sure I have never had to buy a gift for a guy. Since I’ve been dating this guy, I’m about to buy 2. 

Christmas/Hanukkah sucked. First of all, I hate Christmas. I believe that it is what is evil in this country. Second, he celebrates Hanukkah. I really don’t know anything about it. That was such a pain. I ended up making him the marshmallows from this post

Now we’re coming up on Valentine’s Day. Are. You. Kidding. Me? What am I supposed to get a guy for Valentine’s Day? He’s complaining that I don’t like jewelry. To clarify, it’s not that I don’t like jewelry, it’s that I have no reason to wear it. Suck on that.

But really, what do you get the boyfriend for Valentine’s Day? Ugh. I need help. At least I have a sale at Amazon to help me! Maybe I’ll make shaped marshmallows. Yay booze and sugar! 


Potty training 

Doomsday Preppers

I was just watching this show, and my only question is, what is your plan when the rest of us are dead, and all you’ve outlived us by 10 years?

Friday, January 18, 2013



I love cider


Woodchuck cider is the nectar of the gods. I love it. So much that I saw this recipe, and had to try it. 

Everything is possible. The impossible just takes longer

Dan Brown, Digital Fortress

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Ok Josh



My future kids

The more time I spend with children, the more rules I come up for my future children’s family.

1. Feed my kids whatever junk you want to. I will cringe, I will cry, but at least they are eating.

2. Do not give my kids toys. Not until they’re like 6. A one year old does not need 20 toys. You want to spend $50 on it? Put it in a savings account. Or a 529. Put the deposit slip in a huge ass box. My kid will probably like it more than the high tech train.

3. My kids will have a bedtime. If they don’t, they will believe that the Boogie-man will eat them alive. 

This is all I can think of now. I’m sure these will change. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


I was reading this article, and to be perfectly honest with you, the comments are always way more exciting. 

Nashua should’ve called off school, whatever. I am always concerned about the sidewalks. As a dog owner who walks her dog every day like a postman, I hate snowy sidewalks. In reality, the only time I need a sidewalk is in the winter. 

In the summer, the roads are wider and aren’t as slippery. No sidewalk needed. 

What really annoys me is that apparently it’s the city’s problem. Who’s in charge of my sidewalk? ME! That means the sidewalk is the owners’ problem. Not the city. 

I could be wrong, but I’m PRETTY SURE that’s how it works. Or how it should work. 



I should

Really rant about something. 

Anyone got any ideas?

Tuesday, January 15, 2013



Popcorn for breakfast! Why not? It’s a grain. It’s like, like, grits, but with high self-esteem.

James Patterson, The Angel Experiment


No-Bake Peanut Butter Chocolate Eclair Cake

1 box chocolate graham crackers
2 boxes vanilla instant pudding (3 1/4 oz)
1 cup creamy peanut butter
3 1/2 cups milk
8 oz Cool Whip, thawed
1 can chocolate frosting
Spray the bottom of a 9×13 pan with cooking spray. Line the bottom of the pan with whole graham crackers.

In bowl of an electric mixer, mix pudding with milk and peanut butter. Beat at medium speed for 2 minutes.

Fold in whipped topping.

Combine until well mixed.

Pour half the pudding mixture over graham crackers. Place another layer of whole graham crackers on top of pudding layer. Pour over remaining half of pudding mixture and cover with another layer of graham crackers.

Heat the container of prepared frosting, uncovered in the microwave for 1 minute. Pour over the top of the cake. Refrigerate for at least 12 hours before serving.

This will be my next project. THANK YOU!!!

Monday, January 14, 2013




T Shirt Quilt

Next weekend I’m going to make a t shirt quilt. I’m just trying to decide on how I want to do it. 

I have 20-ish college shirts I’d love to use and probably 20 Girl Scout and elementary school shirts. Do I want to make a huge shirt with all of them? Or 2? I really like the idea of having one just for college, and making it bigger with various school color blocks (green, gold, purple, red, and blue). 

I’ll let you know. 

Sunday, January 13, 2013


My mind is blown. 

My elementary school wanted to put me in Readiness. 

For those of you who don’t know, Readiness was this weird in-between grade for students who passed kindergarten but weren’t ready for first grade. As I was not in it, I have no idea what they learned, but probably normal writing and reading stuff. 

I was born at the end of September, and the cutoff date for school was something like September 30th. Whatever it was, the issue was that I was not going to be 6 on the first day of school

I would turn 6 a full 30 days later. 

Apparently a lot of my friends’ parents thought it was a good idea.

Well, for all you who thought I wasn’t ready and whatever, guess what?

I graduated college at 19. What were your kids doing at 19? Being freshmen? 

I was totally smart enough for 1st grade. 


Happy Endings tonight!!



Maybe I’ll do some more cleaning…

Saturday, January 12, 2013



In a perfect world...

In a perfect world I’d live in a city. I’d have a small garden, full of berries and herbs. Everything would be organized, and I’d have beautiful jars full of homemade mixes. Everything would be homemade. Bread, yogurt, jam, gummies, marshmallows. I’m pretty sure my awesome boyfriend thinks I’m crazy, but I just love the idea of it all. Yeah, I’m secretly a hippie. 



Whitney, you go with that Gangnam Style! #Whitney 

Friday, January 11, 2013

Tonight, I’m out of town. Having fun with a friend I haven’t seen in like 6 months. 

That’s insane. 



From Earlier

Did you see that video? Did you see Jim Parsons dance? Here’s my favorite clip. So you too can laugh at it all day. 


You’re welcome

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Plans for tonight?

I’ll be making more marshmallows for my day-drinking party tomorrow. Yum!!


I love Jim Parsons. 



Wednesday, January 9, 2013


50 freaking posts! Who knew I could be this focused?




Sometimes I get way too attached to my TV. I connect way too much with characters and situations to the point where I might actually be crazy. 

On that note, NCIS has been crazy emotional for me for the past two episodes. Deaths of parents always bug me, but this was just rough.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013



Melted Reeses 

New layout

Now that I’ve changed the layout, I feel like I need to post more in About Me, because I have more space. Should I fight the feeling??

Sunday, January 6, 2013

So much yeast...

I’m going to catch some wild yeast for my sourdough starter/culture AND make yogurt? Maybe?

Definitely catching some yeast. Here yeast-y, yeast-y, yeast! 



I am not prepared for this

Keeping up with my queue sucks.

That’s right. You know my secret. I stay up for HOURS doing pictures and writing random stuff and then leave my tumblr alone. It’s brilliant. 


Saturday, January 5, 2013


Pink Lines


Sometimes I want kids. Not all of the time, just some. In fact, usually I hate kids. But sometimes, they seem cute.

And then I could pack their lunches. Which is really why I want kids. I would have an excuse to get cool sandwich cutters, lunch boxes, and thermoses! And I have so many lunch ideas (that I’ve stolen from Pinterest and 100daysofrealfood). Things like:

Refried beans, tortillas, and rice
PB&J with fruit gummies
Smoothies and popcorn

I’ll start making a lunch box for myself. I’m sure I’ll hate it in a couple days. I just feel like I don’t snack, but kids do, and I’d have an excuse to make more snacks. 

I write haiku, yes
Because it brings me smiles

Friday, January 4, 2013


I sometimes have cravings for food that I don’t really even like. 

In college, I had a crazy craving for eggs. I hadn’t eaten eggs in like 10 years when all of the sudden, I was like, dude. A fried egg would be delicious. Now it’s my favorite food. 

Now I really want yogurt and granola. I like granola (I love making my own), but I’ve had yogurt maybe twice in my life. Frozen yogurt is ok. I’ve baked with it before too. But straight up yogurt? The texture is weird. 

Greek yogurt seems better though. It’s the whole white and creamy thing. All white and creamy foods are weird. 

But my craving goes deeper than that. I want homemade yogurt. Like the idea of homemade yogurt and granola seems like Nirvana. 

We’ll see how this pans out. 



I'm thinking

I’m thinking about selling my marshmallows. Would people buy them?

I can make them in all sorts of flavors. Alcoholic, not alcoholic. 

Would you want to buy them?

Do you want to  buy them?

Let me know in the ask thing. I’ll get back to you and we can work something out. 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

I am an awesome girlfriend

Screw you all you “you rape lives with your presence” naysayers! I’m awesome!


I sang Soft Kitty to my sick boyfriend. Over Skype. Because I love him. 

Take it or leave it. He sings me Soft Kitty all the time. He’s the nice one in the relationship. I’m not. I’m ok with it. 



Wednesday, January 2, 2013


As I accidently (maybe) taught my nephew… AWKWARD!

Today I was ready a feminist blog. And I thought it was weird, because she felt the need to keep identifying herself as a feminist. I thought it was weird, mostly because:

A) I hate titles, and
B) She wasn’t talking about anything really political. 

As someone who has worked on a campaign, I will GLADLY tell you my political beliefs.  And you might notice I don’t have ANY party loyalty. Fight for something I believe in? I’ll fight for you. Say something I don’t believe in? If I like your opponent, I’m taking you DOWN!!

So here’s my list of things that I believe are important:

1. A strong education system
2. Lack of standardize testing
3. Affordable living
4. The government NOT touching my body
5. Safe drinking water
6. Safe/well-maintained roads
7. Keeping children safe
8. Keeping crazies away from guns
9. Equal pay for equal work
10. Equal percentage of taxes being paid 
11. No sales tax
12. No income tax (though I understand that at some point they will be necessary)
13. The idea of no-fault divorce*
14. The idea of a domestic partnership*
15. Never blaming the victim (also never teaching someone to be a victim)
16. Corporations are not people.

*I do not believe in marriage. Gay, Straight, Polygamous, whatever. The government has no business knowing who I’m with. Since the all-knowing THEY apparently disagree with me, I also don’t believe they should know/care why I’m no longer with my partner. 

I’m forgetting some stuff, but put me in a box as you like. This post is my disclaimer for any future political posts. 



Recipe Book

Have you ever signed up for a class, bought all of the stuff and then dropped out so you can move out of state?

I have. (Yay campaigns!)

So I have some 4 inch (4 INCH!) binders just hanging around. And I’ve decided what I’ll do with them (nope. Not going back to school.). 

It’s a cookbook. Actually 2 of them. 

I was going to buy a Tastebook but why pay for something you can make? I’m going to make two, one for baking and one for cooking. I’m 95% sure the baking them will be fuller. Mostly because I don’t use recipes to cook. Which might explain a lot to my family (sorry!). 

What do you need for this project?

A Binder (or two)
A ton of plastic Sheet protectors (so you can wipe away spills)

I just have to make sure I don’t confuse it with my coupon binder! 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

I’m a machine, couple screws loose but I’m running smoothly
Know what I mean, got an upgrade, now I’m more unruly
I’m hard to swallow but a spoonful of sugar
might make it go down more easily

Cher Lloyd, Dub On The Track



I’m so excited to grow stuff. I have strawberries now, but I’d like to expand my garden. I’m thinking various herbs and potatoes. It should work out. The only thing is that I hope to move in the next couple of months. To another state. 

I’m a fan of homeostasis. I don’t like to move. I like knowing the future. I don’t like the idea of growing up. So I’m going to continue to plan my garden. 

Potatoes. My potatoes are going to be awesome. Why? Why do you ask?

I’m growing them in a container. In a bucket. I’m going to steal a broken trash can from the shop (bottoms are kinda worn out. Less work to drain). 

How do you do this? You plant a couple seed potatoes in the bottom of a container. As it grows, you add dirt. You see, potatoes grow below ground, but they grow up, not down. So the farther down your potatoes are, the more you will get. 

It’s oversimplified, but it will work. 

I swear. 

And I will eat potatoes FOREVER!!