Monday, April 8, 2013

Uh oh, someone wants a writing sample...

I'm not going to pretend I am the best writer in the world. Or even that anyone reads this.

Just in case, I'm going to be super entertaining and political for once. Ok, not that political, but I do hate Massholes. So thank you Massachusetts, this post is for you!

So a couple days ago, I'm surfing Facebook, trying not to comment/share every funny thing out there, but I did come across a great article (found here) about Scott Brown.

For those of you who don't know, NH and MA don't really get along. Massachusetts drivers suck and they have this thing called sales tax. I'm not a Masshole, but I'm sure they think I'm some weird gun toting drunk hippie driving without a seatbelt. LIVE FREE OR DIE!!

My first reaction to hearing about Scott Brown was:


Why, may you ask? Because Scott Brown is a crazy guy driving a truck. He's also a Masshole who thinks NH is their second home and thinks it's cool to just slide up here. Like every resident of Massachusetts who loves our state liquor stores and lack of taxes and seatbelts.

Guess what Scott Brown? We didn't want Romney and his 2nd (6th?) home and we don't want you either. We have our own crazy people (looking at you, Bill O'Brien).

Hopefully he'll shut up for a couple years and I can continue my Scott Brown-free life. Here's to 2016!

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