Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Why do I coupon?

Every once in a while, I get asked this question. It's legit. I live with my parents (reality of the 21st century) and I am definitely not hurting for money (thanks mom and dad!).

I coupon, and read personal finance articles, and have a savings account because I never want to be in the situation some of my female family members are in. I never want to rely on my husband or fiance to take care of my money.

I have an aunt who lost her house after her drug-addicted husband used the mortgage money for whatever. He borrowed thousands of dollars from family and now they're homeless and have no way of paying it back. Or refuse to. But that's family drama.

And then there's my sister, who is incredibly responsible and frugal, but her husband is not. He is a salesman, and apparently uses his salesman power to convince them to buy cars they can't afford and do things that are out of their means. So now, my sister is constantly trying to figure out how to make more money so they aren't in debt.

But I refuse to be them. Yeah, I'm not living on my own, but I'm also not swimming in student or credit card debt. I can pay my bills, and I know how to live within my means.

So that's why I coupon and learn to manage my money. Because I'm never going to live at the mercy of someone else.

EDIT: My cousin just realized that she's $8,000 in debt, not the original $2,000 she thought she was. I feel like this money mismanagement is genetic. Not. Me.

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